Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Of Cabbages and Pugs

I'm seriously ready to blow up my truck and get a scooter, but then there's no place to put the dogs. Conundrums mock me, oh Intertubes. The latest news is that my beloved dogmobile is fixed (Hah, didn't even track the pun until I re-read it) and I can now pick it up. Hopefully, it will start.

See, modern cars have these chips in the keys, and if the chips get out of whack, the security system in the car won't allow you to actually start YOUR OWN DAMN CAR. I swear, magnetism is a royal pain in the ass.

But in any case, I've started this up to say hello to everyone on FaceBook, and that yes, Alex has a fledgling Blog going now.

We are building the Labor Day races, and they are going to be a bit different than what all of you are used to. (queue evil sinister laugh and rubbing of hands.)

We'll be sending out a teaser soon, and then a Start Clue for all you teams who have already signed up.

More later, I need to avoid breaking my computer.

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