Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rattat - wait, how the heck do you spell this?

Whole Foods is right next door to one of my dogs, so I try to plan ahead, and get some shopping done after I've taken him out. This morning, my wife asked me to make Ratatouille, thus requiring ingredients.
Squash et all was needed.

So, the shopping list:
Butter (I always run out, for some reason, go figure.)
Various Squashes and Zucchinis
Sparkling water (For some reason, Whole Foods has the best house brand at the cheapest price.)

I generally buy enough pounds of ingredients to fill my standard-sized roasting pan, and instead of doing The French Laundry/Movie version, I chunk them all up into 1/4 inches by 1/4 inches (except for the garlic, Duh) and let the stuff roast slowly. A little sea salt, a little red pepper (or chipotle) and a good olive oil work wonderfully.

Amazingly, this is one of the few veggie dishes that Rummy will eat. George usually asks for seconds.
A chef friend asked me a while back why I didn't use Eggplant.
Pretty basic.
Eggplant is bitter, and needs to be salted before use, in this case. The salt it "imbibes" can make the whole thing become something to throw out, and I abhor throwing out a dish due to over-seasoning. Therefore, stick with what you know. Leave out the eggplant.
Ratt (as my wife calls it) is a simple dish. If you overwhelm it, it will taste simply awful.
Okay, off to shop and chop.

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